Arizona Law Enforcement Canine Association
DonateThe relationship between an animal and its owner is a unique connection. Through Arizona Law Enforcement Canine Association, we want to connect with you.
ALECA is an organization that consists of Law Enforcement handlers and trainers throughout the Southwest. Meetings are held several times per year, usually in conjunction with training and seminars.
The Arizona Law Enforcement Canine Association Is Proudly Supported By Circle K

About Us
Promote educational programs in relation to the utilization of police service dogs in Law Enforcement.
Promote and assist in the utilization of police service dogs in the prevention and detection of crime.
Provide assistance to Law Enforcement agencies wishing to implement police service dogs in Law Enforcement.
Arizona PoliceK9 Memorial
The Arizona Police K-9 Memorial was unveiled and dedicated on April 7th, 2006, at the Wesley Bolin Plaza. The purpose of the memorial is to honor Arizona Police K-9's who gave their life in the line of duty.
K9 MemorialOur Staff
ALECA is an organization that consists of Law Enforcement handlers and trainers throughout the Southwest. Meetings are held several times per year, usually in conjunction with training and seminars.
Our StaffJoin Our Cause!
Join ALECA in our various causes and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest updates and be a part of our community.